Saturday, January 10, 2015

Is everyone an author?


At fist I didn’t agree when reading the title “Everyone’s an author”. I though I was going to be writing whether or not everyone could write. At fist I wanted to say yes, anyone who has something interesting enough for someone to listen to them for longer than a minute could write. Then I thought no, maybe that’s not true. Then I read the introduction to “Everyone’s an author.” “Is everyone an author” is the title of the introduction and I have to say it changed my opinion.

They started me right of the get go stating examples of everyday situations where people need to write; student creates a facebook page and finds a large audience, airline executive must write an apology letter published in the paper, an email that gets forwarded and circles the globe, academy award winner prepares a speech.

Its true that with time the definition of author has changed . Before the days of technology and social media expanding your writing globally took much more time and effort, and only book authors could really be recognized and what im guessing is some journalist . As you can see in the graph in the preface of this book “Everyone’s and author” at the beginning of year 2000 blog authors began to take over, then facebook and now twitter.

I now see that with the capability of being able to spread an email around the world in one day that anyone has the capability to be an author, even if you don’t mean to you still have the probability of whatever you write, a large audience could be reading it.

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