Thursday, January 29, 2015

excercises page 62 and 66

I take positions a lot, especially when it comes to my boyfriend. Whether its taking the trash out or disciplining his daughter they are positions I choose not to stand away from. Another place is at work. there are lot of times when people or management are going to try and take advantage of you. but its ok to step up and say I'm not doing that its been the only way to get the shifts I want and not end up being the only one that does all the work.
      People are constantly taking positions, when you wake up and watch the news, where to go out to eat, general conversations at work, how to build something or make a garden. Its everyday things we can take positions on, like those books where you can decide your fate and the story will end different, our lives are a lot like that, every position we take can make a difference weather small of big.

       Some positions people take are not always very appealing to me. Take an article I found through face book. It was an article that sated "things girls need to stop posting on Facebook." As I opened it up I thought I was going to read something humorous but as I read on I got more annoyed. The person who wrote this was listing off almost everything the average girl Facebook's;  pics of food, selfies, pics of your kids, things I and my friends post everyday. I can admit I don't always stop to gander at my friends pictures of their children but they are my friends and it doesn't bother me one bit. As I read on I realized that the person writing the article really hated everything and everyone and was just trying to convince the world that that was ok. Because the truth is if your truly friends with someone nothing they post will bother you, and if it does your probably not really their friend and should just delete them. If I had to change it I would probably just change the title to "if these things bother you, your not a real friend.


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