Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First Day of school in 8 years!

     Today I finally did something that I not only put off in high school but continued to until a few months ago... I went to school!
   This was difficult in many ways, this was my 4th attempt just trying to sign up for school, I didn't apply for financial aid so I have to work more to pay for tuition I never had a hard time learning in school, always had higher test scores, just never applied myself and had a difficult time focusing. This had to do a lot with not being able to manage my emotions due to boys, family, not realizing things could always be worse! The minute something set me over the edge I stopped caring about everything around me! After years of fighting with myself I believe I am finally ready.
    I was my OWN SUPER HERO today when after being told one of my classes where cancelled I didn't let it set me off like I usually would have , I kept reminding myself that the people helping me work through it are helping me and its not their fault , don't get upset and try to make credits up later! At one point in time I might have used this as an excuse to quit school all together now its just a minor set back that I most likely wont remember in the future.
    So today I learned that BEING MY OWN SUPERHERO involves being able to know and tell your self that setbacks will always happen. It's never going to be a paved road, obstacles are always going to be put in the way but it makes the accomplishment at the end that much greater!

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