Friday, January 30, 2015

response to "yes we can" video

   When I think about the speech Obama is giving with all the music and singers it is still vey inspirational. I will admit though that having music with it made it a little more emotional, maybe not for everyone but for me at least. Lately I have actually said that I don't have very much hope in the world any more. when I got done watching the video I kept thinking "this makes me have hope in the world again." I than read the exercise in the book again and it said "written words (like "hope" and "yes, we can"). I didn't realize at first how many times they did write it in there and that's what stuck with me. I think the amount of singers that are in the video back him up by showing that there are people, (that maybe many other people also look up to) are backing him up and believe in him.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

collabrative exercise pg 66

    Today we chose to analyze the “keep calm and carry on” posters, they originally were produced as
motivational posters to help British citizens prepare for the coming Second World War however the
saying today is vastly overused and largely irrelevant to the posters actual content. The original
statement was appealing to me because it represented a beacon of calming in a world that was about
to erupt in pandemonium. It fails to appeal to me because the format of the poster has been taken and
used to depict subjects that are completely irrelevant and unassociated with the thought. It uses a
large slew of subject matters that are largely irrelevant to the original design and intent of the poster
and this in of itself is specifically what is aggravating about them along with the fact that it delivers a
message that it not necessarily as positive in its new sayings and it also shows a surprising inability
for new creative thought in relation to motivational posters. If I were to create this poster on a
different medium I would definitely seek to do so in a quote format. This would keep it in its original
form and keep others from using the medium in improper and irrelevant ways 

excercises page 62 and 66

I take positions a lot, especially when it comes to my boyfriend. Whether its taking the trash out or disciplining his daughter they are positions I choose not to stand away from. Another place is at work. there are lot of times when people or management are going to try and take advantage of you. but its ok to step up and say I'm not doing that its been the only way to get the shifts I want and not end up being the only one that does all the work.
      People are constantly taking positions, when you wake up and watch the news, where to go out to eat, general conversations at work, how to build something or make a garden. Its everyday things we can take positions on, like those books where you can decide your fate and the story will end different, our lives are a lot like that, every position we take can make a difference weather small of big.

       Some positions people take are not always very appealing to me. Take an article I found through face book. It was an article that sated "things girls need to stop posting on Facebook." As I opened it up I thought I was going to read something humorous but as I read on I got more annoyed. The person who wrote this was listing off almost everything the average girl Facebook's;  pics of food, selfies, pics of your kids, things I and my friends post everyday. I can admit I don't always stop to gander at my friends pictures of their children but they are my friends and it doesn't bother me one bit. As I read on I realized that the person writing the article really hated everything and everyone and was just trying to convince the world that that was ok. Because the truth is if your truly friends with someone nothing they post will bother you, and if it does your probably not really their friend and should just delete them. If I had to change it I would probably just change the title to "if these things bother you, your not a real friend.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Litteracy narritive rough draft

       Growing up I lived much farther from school then most , at least everyone else that lived farther from school had other kids that only lived a short distance that their parents were willing to give them a ride. I felt like no one ever wanted to come over cause it was just to far. I know that in a child’s point of view this can be very disappointing , but I guess as time has gone on I have learned to come to terms that in the long run this effected me for the better.

     Although I lived farther away my property that I lived on was beautiful. It was also very large which was nice because I had a huge imagination. We always had lots of animals, I can remember at one point in time having hundreds of rabbits that roamed all the way to near by houses. My dad always kept the lawn nice, perfectly mowed, I can remember lily’s lining the bottom of one side of the lawn, right before it went over the gully. Lots of roses at different ends of everywhere. When my parents moved there a yard was non excitant, nothing but a sticker bush farm. My dad spent months clearing them out and planting grass to make sure we would have a lawn to play in.

     My parents were very hard working. My mom wasn’t the girly type by any means. I have a very faint memory of playing with lipstick in the bathroom when I was younger and that’s the last time I remember my mom owning makeup until we started to buy it for her two years ago. She has natural beauty. She’s always been a very kind person to everyone around.

     My mom married my dad when she was seventeen, after being together for four years. My dad was a man that most people didn’t mess with. He was also a man that growing up with, could have a huge temper, now I see that temper in myself. He worked for a tree service for many years and has definitely put some wear and tear on his body. When I think of my dad I can hear is laugh. Over all though my dad is a really good guy with a great sense of humor.

      My grandparents live next door to us on a piece of their own property. My grandma is the sweetest lady ever, and a great baker. My grandpa was a marine, and also a very funny. I think these two combined resulted in me not really understanding his sense of humor till I was older. I remember just after learning how to ride a bike. We had a circle driveway that linked down, what seemed at the time, a steep long driveway. I had a little pink hand me down with yellow strips. My grandpa took and started to ride, “I‘m going to Alaska“ he said. Convinced he was leaving with my bike forever I ran after him. At the end of the long driveway he set the bike on the ground and said “just kidding” and had me push my bike all the way up the hill by myself. Over all I remember my grandpa being a really funny nice guy, (he apparently had calmed down after us girls were born.)

      Our house sat in the middle of our property. A small single wide trailer with a small edition built on to it. I never really cared to much about living in a small house,( I admit sometimes as a kid I would picture myself as a millionaire). My house was full of so much love and always felt like a home, not just to me but to any one who walked into it.

       My dad spent lots of time talking about his days as a kid. Whenever thinking about his stories I can almost always hear him talking about his grandma. She was his “nanny” and old English teacher. My dad had four other brother that, as stories are told, were a tough crowd to try and handle even as kids. My dad really loved his grandmother. Anything that reminds him of her he will being up, “my grandma had a thing just like this she would put her dressings in.” He ended up with a few of neat little things, tea pots, her cinnamon sugar jar, a two hundred year old rocking chair and even a nursery rhyme book that I became very fond of.

        I’ll be the first to say that I have never been a big fan of reading. . Even in school it was always really hard for me to read books that I was assigned to read. As I get older I find it easier to self discipline myself enough to make myself get past what I have to. If I find an article that interest me than I will probably read it unless I realize its longer than my attention span. I feel like this is a bad thing as a writer, not only because you want people to read what your writing no matter what length it is, but also because it’s a good way to give feedback to yourself.

           Although my passion for reading wasn’t great, my love for writing has always been there as far back as I can think. I remember as five years old I insisted on writing my uncle a letter to Alaska even though I could barley write. I realized that I liked to write more than the average kid in the third grade when my teacher assigned us to write short stories about anything throughout the school year, at the end of there year I had about thirty or more stories compared to the next kids ten. I also started to write poems at the same time. I thought it was more normal but if I was to see a kid write as much as I did when I was younger I think I would be impressed. When I think about where this comes from I go back to the same memory of reading my great grandmas book of nursery rhymes and short stories.

        Everything about the book intrigued me, the way the book looked old, the illustrations. The part ill never forget is the beginning of the book, it was the part that had all the nursery rhymes. My dad always told me how his grandma had all of them memorized by heart. One of the best memories I have is sitting in front of the big bay window that was in our addition of our house. It was a beautiful late spring day, my dad just got done mowing the lawn and the smell of fresh cut grass was in the air. It was mixed with the sweet smell of cherry blossoms from the giant ornamental plum I could see my parents relaxing under. I sat and studied the hardest tongue twister that I could find “Betty Botter Bought A Bit Of Bitter Butter.” When I finally had memorized I ran out to recite to my parents. My parents were always happy to see me involved with reading or writing.

          Even the short stories were inspiring to me like; Goodnight Moon, The Little Engine That Could, Where The Wild Things Are. When I read through these I picture my great grandmother reading them to my dad and my uncle’s all the time when they were kids. My

            I believe that being given this book is what has inspired me to write so many poems growing up. Although then they meant nothing to me then so unfortunately I didn’t keep any, but I have probably written at least two hundred poems overall. This was a big part of my life growing up which I believe that even though I have never meet my great grandma she is still a big part of who I am today.

               Not only did she live through me by the great book of nursery rhymes but her constant correction of my fathers grammar and English as a kid was something he preceded to do to me. It helped sometimes in school. It just goes to show that even though you may not be around, whatever you are passionate about can be passed through for generations.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 characteristics for litteracy novel

1)Getting my great grandmas book of nursery rhymes
   *my great grandma/ grandparents/ parents
   *At my house when I was a kid
   *The places your mind would go when reading the stories and poems
   *I'm telling the story
   *Because I started writing poems at a young age.

2) Writing books in my 3rd grade class.
    * my teacher and I
    *the 3rd grade Chimacum elementary
    * The love for writing I developed
    *I'm telling the story about myself
    *I realized I was better at writing stories than the average kid.


I love collaborating my ideas with other people. I always believe the more the better!  I know that sometimes my mind works differently than other peoples, for example, I can read a poem and 5 other people can read it, and I’m usually the only one who thinks it’s about dyeing while everyone else thinks it’s about butterflies, not that I’m always wrong but when hearing someone else’s view makes me realize what a different stand point I was at than them. 

    I realized during this discussion in my class how much people or prone to voice their opinion over the internet more than in person (not because this particular assignment) but just from the discussion. It makes me realize how much of a difference the internet can make in our writing if we make ourselves vulnerable enough to criticism. For example from the book Everyone’s An Author the first page of chapter 4, the romance writer Eloisa James maintains a website that invites readers to ask questions about characters, request rewrites of chapters, and even suggest alternative chapters.  I think that by her doing this is a big thing especially because it’s hard for some writers to be open to changing their writing, just like an artist with a painting. But once your mind has opened up to it you will realize how much your writing will improve and even be more influencing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

group descution rhetoric

 I try really hard not to have a difference in opinion from face to face to online.  I think that  the only difference I have is it harder for me to criticize online more than face to face because I'm afraid of the way it will sound in their head when they read it, opposed to me saying it nicely to them. I haven't changed my definition or thought to much after the responses I got about rhetoric

everyday naritives

    I hear lots of narratives everyday. Usually starting with work during pre shift when discussing our own experiences through out the week. But I think that narrating everyday gossip, whether only is half true it always comes down to stories being passed on from one another, narrating our own or other peoples stories. I also can think of times when I ask all my costumers if they are local and why they stopped by. Even from listening to the TV and reading the papers. When I think about it a good portion of our communication is narrating and that's why it is so important to figure out a good way to narrate, not just in correct terms but knowing how to do that with different audiences.

   I watched a couple videos and read a couple blogs. I went through a couple videos before I found one that didn't really inspire me. Then I came across one that made me look a little more in someone else's shoes and was more inspiring. After reading some blogs one of which I thought was nice. I wondered if the same people in the first videos said those same words, if they would make them boring? I think they would have maybe sucked the life out of those words. So I just think it depends on how powerful one video or written story can be depending on how good the person delivering it is.

    When I think about telling a story to my friend face to face as to over text messages. For starters I will take most of the sarcasm out of it (cause usually there is a lot). I have to read the messages back to myself as I was them, as opposed to just hearing myself say something an correcting it. Its just really hard to get some things out through small messages its better if I just send a text saying "I have to tell you something when I see you".

Saturday, January 17, 2015

my response to 3 blog post: What is rhetoric?

  I like your definition. I like how you mentioned to make sure that you have opposing views for rebuttals.
                         - In response to What is rhetoric?

       At first I wasn't really on board with the whole manipulation thing, but I wasn't looking at the same stance that you were. Then as I read on, I saw what you were talking about and how that is very true and it has happened several times in history. thanks.
                            -In response to Rhetoric

          This is a good way of thinking rhetorically, especially when thinking about your audience.thank you
                            -In response to The definition of Rhetoric

        How these influenced my writing: I often want to change my writing after reading others responses. Its interesting to me, It seemed like someone had very similar definition but I felt it was worded much more sophisticated than mine and made me want to spend more time on my wording. I also think maybe I could have went with more of a deeper thought process and been more creative, and gone into greater detail about different rhetorical writing situations.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

what is rhetoric?

Rhetoric is thinking about all aspects of writing. Beginning with even the audience. Are you writing an essay for an English class? Are you writing for a charitable organization? Or maybe just a face book post inviting people to a house warming party. After thinking about that you’ll want to think about what kind of message are you wanting to get across? Are you angry? Are you trying to be persuasive? Do you need to set a seen for people at first?

                When you have this in mind you can begin to study your subjects from different angles. Is there an opposing side? Are there pros and cons, if so why? Or maybe you are just inviting people to a party, is it a scary party or is it Hawaiian?

                You’ll probably never be able to fully understand a subject from everyone’s point of view but the more information you can gather the more intelligent you can be about a situation when it come’s time to put your own 2 cents in.  It is most important though to go into everything you read about with an open mind, really try to put yourself in other people’s perspectives and in your audience’s perspective, but don’t forget your own.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

proof authors vs everyday authors

proof authors                                                    everyday authors
*can be more like book authors
* people like bloggers,
*spend more time one pieces *college students writing essays
*sense more time is spent sometimes writing is more understanding for audience *There’s less time editing usually so doesn’t always give out the exact message
*I think newspaper would go under here because there someone proofing it before it goes out usually *

1. These differences came to mind when thinking about authors that publish books and maybe just a high school student that writes on facebook every day that has 500 friend.

2. I thought about the different types of writing

3. Because when technology fails us our scriptures will be the only thing people might understand

I think the difference is that now a days technology, someone who can’t interpret their own words can get on the internet and without trying, start a controversy

4. Making sure that I am educated on everything I write

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Is everyone an author?


At fist I didn’t agree when reading the title “Everyone’s an author”. I though I was going to be writing whether or not everyone could write. At fist I wanted to say yes, anyone who has something interesting enough for someone to listen to them for longer than a minute could write. Then I thought no, maybe that’s not true. Then I read the introduction to “Everyone’s an author.” “Is everyone an author” is the title of the introduction and I have to say it changed my opinion.

They started me right of the get go stating examples of everyday situations where people need to write; student creates a facebook page and finds a large audience, airline executive must write an apology letter published in the paper, an email that gets forwarded and circles the globe, academy award winner prepares a speech.

Its true that with time the definition of author has changed . Before the days of technology and social media expanding your writing globally took much more time and effort, and only book authors could really be recognized and what im guessing is some journalist . As you can see in the graph in the preface of this book “Everyone’s and author” at the beginning of year 2000 blog authors began to take over, then facebook and now twitter.

I now see that with the capability of being able to spread an email around the world in one day that anyone has the capability to be an author, even if you don’t mean to you still have the probability of whatever you write, a large audience could be reading it.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Rachelle Gainer
                I grew up in a small town (Quilcene). With no neighbors I had to entertain myself a lot as a kid which I think has lead me to be open minded about a lot of things! I didn’t really like high school but a part of me loved learning, I think sense I didn’t socialize as much outside of school I spent too much of my time in school trying to catch up.
                So as I got older I took the first step to getting out of here. I traveled around back and forth from Seattle area, never really knowing where I was going the next day, meeting new people daily it seemed, some good, some bad. Then when I turned 18 I found a job in the little nickel, it didn’t describe much, just said, “ travel the USA, make money.” That sounded good enough for me! When I called she said she would buy me a ticket to long beach California, and I took it. My mom wanted to know what I was doing and I didn’t really know, when she called she found out I was selling magazines door to door. I left on the bus the next day to being a series of crazy events. Selling magazines door to door is not a good business to be in, with it leading to me hitch hiking back from Las Vegas by myself.
                After years of doing crazy things and going crazy places I started to realize that no one in this world is invincible and maybe my good luck might run out soon. I went back to the small town I came from and was lost in it for a long while. So after realizing I wasn’t going to go to Hollywood or New York and be something spectacular for no apparent reason, I must now resort to plan B, get an education.

 1 .How did knowing that you’d be sharing you bio with the class influence that details you choose to write?
                I prevented me from going into greater detail about the crazier things I’ve done in my life, also 3. How did the question make you rethink your bio?
                The first question he asked was “ what is your ultimate educational goal/” which made me realize I didn’t talk about it, just what pushed me to get here
4. What would you change, add, or omit now what you’ve done the exercise?
                I would talk more about my educational goals and why I feel that way. I might add something about how much I love cats as well !
     *in what ways do social structures tell us what ok?
alot of things do I think. Whenever talking about religious things, the way people look, their lifestyles, anything that will start a lot of controversy.
*how are we defined created or written by writing?
Depending on who’s writing it, and how it’s being perceived. Maybe it’s a bio about how awesome you are, or maybe it’s a journalist trying to ruin your career, writing can be powerful in many ways.
from going into great detail about my cat!
2. Were you surprised by the questions your partner asked you?
     No not really. There was nothing that trough me off.

3. How did the question make you rethink your bio?
                The first question he asked was “ what is your ultimate educational goal/” which made me realize I didn’t talk about it, just what pushed me to get here
4. What would you change, add, or omit now what you’ve done the exercise?
                I would talk more about my educational goals and why I feel that way. I might add something about how much I love cats as well !
     *in what ways do social structures tell us what ok?
alot of things do I think. Whenever talking about religious things, the way people look, their lifestyles, anything that will start a lot of controversy.
*how are we defined created or written by writing?