Rhetoric is thinking about all aspects of writing. Beginning
with even the audience. Are you writing an essay for an English class? Are you
writing for a charitable organization? Or maybe just a face book post inviting
people to a house warming party. After thinking about that you’ll want to think
about what kind of message are you wanting to get across? Are you angry? Are you
trying to be persuasive? Do you need to set a seen for people at first?
When you
have this in mind you can begin to study your subjects from different angles.
Is there an opposing side? Are there pros and cons, if so why? Or maybe you are
just inviting people to a party, is it a scary party or is it Hawaiian?
You’ll probably
never be able to fully understand a subject from everyone’s point of view but
the more information you can gather the more intelligent you can be about a
situation when it come’s time to put your own 2 cents in. It is most important though to go into
everything you read about with an open mind, really try to put yourself in
other people’s perspectives and in your audience’s perspective, but don’t forget
your own.
It is interesting that you mentioned that it is unlikely the writer will understand every point of view. I feel like that is a very important concept that is easily forgotten. Your explanation was also good at pointing out that it is alright to add personal feelings to your writing as long as you keep and open mind and don't ignore other angles.