Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rachelle Gainer


English 101

Analysis paper


A virtual reality

          We have almost all seen someone get mad while playing a video game. Sometimes possibly break things or get really into their character. Sometimes its nice to escape reality and pretend your someone or something else. Some of us remember the year of Atari, or maybe even the original Nintendo. As time has gone on the graphics of video games have become all to realistic. We have even got to the point of hiring actors to be apart of the newest video games. There are some theory’s of certain violent crimes being connected to all to realistic video games. With these graphics and ability to play its not hard to get “sucked’ into these games by convincing people that you can escape reality. You can race cars on the street, be a soldier, or make an army and defend your kingdom. The capability to morph into any of these things in a split second and escape reality is exactly what these commercials want to believe you can do. They show this in these three video game commercials by using a more realistic approach.
Image result for black ops commercial

           The black ops Call Of Duty commercial of 2010 (above) is a perfect example of how simple it is to go from the office to being in the middle of a war zone, killing your enemies with whatever ammo you may have left. The commercial starts with a familiar song from the Rolling Stones “gimme shelter” that we can relate to war with. The sound of bombs, grenades, and constant gun fire going on intensively through the entire commercial. Everyday people shooting and bombing each other from all angles.

           They mix reality and fantasy by showing real people and not the actual graphics of the game. They only show the actual video game graphics for one second when showing the arms of a man holding a gun. It also draws you in by using average everyday people. They show a good looking business woman in heels blasting a gun while a bomb drops in the background. Another woman, a bit shorter and not as fit who looks like she could be a secretary walks behind a building. After shooting at someone she gets an exhilarated look on her face. Someone next to her with Birkenstocks kicks in a door of the building. They show a series of people, mostly working class, fighting each other in a war zone. They end it with a man that looks like he works for a food cart. Flames are set off behind him as he shoots two guns from both hands with a cool expression on his face. Its taking us right out of reality by showing other normal people with real video footage, not video game graphics and ending it with a quote saying “there’s a soldier in all of us”

Image result for need for speed most wanted commercialImage result for need for speed most wanted commercial

Another good example of bringing the virtual world into reality is the 2012 Need For Speed Most Wanted commercial. The ad starts out in a in the middle of a city. It looks like a ghost town. No person or car in sight as a newspaper rolls across the road. Old western music starts in the background. A brand new dodge charger cop car comes creeping around the corner and parks in the middle of the road at a four way stop. A well known sports car comes around the corner slowly and parks on the opposite side of the four way as if they were going to have a dual. Then another cop car, and then another sports car until each side has about five cars. Looking like it's going to be a battle amongst cops and sport car. They find a mutual enemy as an average yellow car comes flying sideways between the two groups. The two groups start to chase the yellow car. As some of the car's start wrecking into things they change the camera from real to the video game graphics.

             They can relate people to the game instantly by using cars that we all know, Dodge, Corvette, and Ford. We fantasize about how nice it would be to dive these cars. Then the average yellow car comes flying by, letting us know that we may be more average but we can still be a race car driver. Again the graphics for the game are only viewed for a few seconds They once again pull you in and out of reality by going from regular film to video game graphics.

     Image result for game of war super bowl commercial

         In this third commercial from Super bowl 2015, Game of war uses a slightly different approach. Famous swimsuit model Kate Upton starts out in a bath with candles surrounding her in what looks like a castle. A ball of fire strikes down in the background. Her empire is being attacked. As her army helps her gather herself, putting on her sexy steel corset, she gets on a horse and starts to ride out of her kingdom. Everything else is filmed from more of a realistic stand point like one you might see in a new action movie, after she leaves you can see the giant “enemies” that are attacking the castle look like the video game characters. She rides away from the castle with not so much as a worried face on her.

     This time The commercial draws people in by using a swimsuit model some people might be familiar with. Other's might be able to guess she could be some sort of model. This time they use sex appeal to get people interested. Also they leave you kind of questioning what’s next. Where is she going now sense her kingdom is gone? Kate Upton ends it with “Let them have their fun. You and I will be visiting them soon enough.” By her adding in “you” and “I” she is advising that by playing this game maybe you and her will be riding off together on horses as well. They don’t make her into a video game character like one that would see on the game because they want you to believe as much as possible that this could be your reality. Once again they use a more realistic approach and only show a small detail (the giant enemies attacking the building).

         I don’t play video games as much as others but I know how much I have been sucked into a game. I know how seriously some people take some of the games. It has got to the point of cosplay where people spend hours and hundreds of dollars to dress up as characters from all sorts of video game characters. In all these adds they don’t advertise the actual game but for only a few seconds or detail. They use the rest of the time to try to get into your head the actual scenario that would happen if this was to go on in real life. This way they are making your reality now the reality of the video game. If that intrigues you then you’ll by it. Then you already have this realistic scenario in your head when you start to play the game for the first time. I think that as graphics get better they will be able to convince people more out of reality and into a virtual reality.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

how did my group presentation prepare me for my paper #3?

   I have been very nervous about writing this third paper. I mean how do you get that many words down about something that doesn't even have that many words in the advertisement. I guess if a picture is worth a thousand words than a 30 second video must be worth much more than that.
    I figured out a better way to organize my paper. Its nice to have a quick summery at the beginning with a following paragraph explaining your analysis. Then a summery at the end with  more of your analysis.
   I also learned that its good to spend a lot of time analyzing your text, ad etc. because when we were asked questions after our presentation their were a couple people with instant observations about the ad that I didn't even realize that could have just been a nice addition to our presentation.

Analyzing "our schools must do better" Bob Herbert

Bob Herbert and I can agree we need better schools and possibly better teachers!
     Bob Herbert, a former op-d columnist for New York Times states, "I asked a high school kid" " if he knew who the vice president of the United States was." The kid could not answer him. Although there's a slight improvement on test scores, is not enough when a four year degree is almost necessary. These improvements could be made through teacher quality, new forms of wedding out bad teachers from good. Also looking closer at alternative schools, are the effects real that they are seeing and if so why?
    It's not an easy process but it is true that we new a Better schools."we we got to give them a school system adequate with the times."

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

summery, paraphase,quote

On Buying Local. by Katherine Spriggs

     Buying local is better for the environment, economy, and taste of food. Its good to buy what's local when we can
     In the Essey written "On buying local" by Katherine Spriggs she suggest that buying local can help our environment by reducing gas that we use to transport. She suggest  its not always possible to buy local products but by making some sacrifices like buying in season , food will taste better too. She says this will also help our local economy by keeping it local.(95)

       One benifitt spriggs states is "Buying local benefits small farmers by not forcing them to compete with larger farms across the country."

Thursday, February 26, 2015

analyses of two consumer websites pg 141

  Over the past couple years I have found myself taking short trips more often and if not camping then trying to find a good deal on a hotel room.
   I wanted to compare two different sites that I often look on to see which one I thought could bring me better information about the hotels I was staying at. In order to do this I needed to try and find a hotel I was familiar with. I used to work at a hotel for a while in port townsend called Water Street Hotel. It is a really nice little Victorian hotel, and although there is no pool, it has an awesome feeling and suggest for people to stay there. Sense I use to know that place like the back of my hand I figured it would be a good way to see how it was represented by these two sites. I chose and
  When I looked at first I was surprised to see all nice pictures they had of all the rooms. I thought there could be a lot more pictures though for the amount of rooms they have. they didn't really do justice to the nice rooms and the beautiful views. and they didn't have one picture of the coffee room which is always nice to see. It had a nice little chart to see reviews from different kinds of people. Also had top local attractions which is nice I also couldn't find a link to water street hotels website which I believe has pictures of every room. maybe this is so you have to go through their website. was more disappointing. It only had five pictures compared to Trip Advisers thirty seven. there was no information at all except for the website and phone number to the hotel which was nice. I couldn't find any reviews, or local attractions on this website, seems kind of useless to me.
    I do find myself searching all the websites every time I book a hotel and until now have not realized how disappointing has been to me almost everytime.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


What to eat for lunch
Should I try and buy my parents property?
Should I go to math class this morning?
Not yelling at people when I want.
I’m eating for 2, am I working?
I don’t want to have neighbors, money, effort
Tired, what important assignments are there
Am I working, at home, at the store
Some things make me sick. I have to eat healthier for baby
I don’t know if I’ll be able to save for a house and pay them
I feel like a horrible person when I don’t go
Sometimes I feel good and sometimes I feel like a jerk
I have to eat to stay functional at work, I ate too much and then was lazy
I would have to work a lot more
I spent a lot of money to go to these classes
Need to keep my job and costumers


comparision; litteracy narritive/position paper

       Writing a literacy narrative paper compared to my position paper, it was different in many ways.
     When writing my narrative essay it was nice because I could tell a story about myself. The hardest part honestly was thinking of what I was going to write about. In What significant way did a time where reading and writing effected my life? That was hard for me because I was never into reading. Even though I loved writing, it is somehow always linked to reading. I had to dig deep to think about how I ended up with a passion for writing. The only memory I had was reading a big book of nursery rhymes and poems that was my great grandmother.
    Coming up with a topic for my position paper was not as difficult as my narrative essay. There is so many different options for topics out there and you can pick any! Most people already have something they are passionate about. I know with my subject (pot farms in rural areas) its a recent subject so its something everyone has been hearing about. Its also is something that a lot of people are being effected by so coming up with this topic was much easier.

    Researching for my narrative paper was not that hard. I went over to my parents house and had a discussion with them about the book my great grandmother passed down. We also ended up having a nice conversation about my great grandma. I realized how much my dad really loved his grandma. More then I have seen for his own parents. It made me realize so much and changed my paper and gave me a connection between my great grandmother, my father and I.

   I Had a more difficult time researching for my position paper. I spent hours on end looking up everything I could find on the internet. Watched the same videos five times. Read the same article ten times. Then after all this time you have all this information you barely know what to do with. You have to weed out all the legit stuff from the not so legit things that you read and listen to.
The hard part was trying to stay fully in my position and not end up sounding half and half in my paper. The more I read to more I understood the other side and it was a little harder to stand ground.

  Writing detail for my narrative was easier because it was a place I had been before. It was my story and I could make it sound any way I wanted really. I just had to close my eyes and do a good job of describing everything I could see, taste and smell.

   Writing detail on my position paper was a harder because these are not really places I have been or really seen but had to relay on the testimony of what I was reading and watching.

1) she believes its a good example of the beginning of the "American dream," a constant need to get and have better things; wives, car, house. I think she likes the show or she wouldn't continue to watch each season.
2)She is a television critic for salon. This is described on the page, but I don't really read in her piece where she states that.
3)when talking about snow white and Pokémon, something all boys and girls can relate with. When describing the show she talks about how don is leaving his marriage, something have of marriages can relate too, unfortunately.
4)I was not familiar with it and I think she does a good job, it was  a little hard to follow at first but I can get a pretty good picture in my head. everyone is always looks perfects, one woman lost after being left by her husband and the ex husband who nothing will be good enough.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

rough draft position paper

Rachelle Gainer

Position paper

English 101

Pot farms in rural areas

After passing initiative I-502(legalization of marijuana) there has been a lot of issues in creating the laws that are going to be taking effect. Recently when working, one of my everyday costumers came in and expressed her concern to me. She was upset, “can you believe they are trying to put one of those marijuana farms down the road from us?” Her concerns were similar to those that I have recently heard on the local news or papers; “It will bring weird people around,” or “crime in my neighborhood is going to go up.” Being a dear customer of mine that I have also come to have a friendship I sympathized for her worries but trying to prevent bickering happening between costumer and employee I didn’t let her know that I thought her concerns were unnecessary and we should have a right to put any agriculture that has been legalized by the people on our own personal property with certain restrictions.
I understand the many worried neighbors that believe crime will began to populate in there neighborhoods I don’t think its as bad as what they are imagining. Its believed that pot farms are going to be notorious for being broken into. None off the finished product that is of interest will actually stay there, It is shipped of to local dispensaries. The business owners that have put thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands into their farms are going to do whatever it takes to make sure that this isn’t going to happen, their concern is at a much higher stand point. They will have high fencing, if not double fencing, cameras and more. As you read in article Pot farms next door a 'complete shock' to neighbors, it states “The pot farmers on hold say they're victims of untrue, fear-based worries such as an increase in crime.” "I think the neighbors who are upset will calm down in 12 months when people see that all of these negative things don't come to fruition," said the "Red Frog" owner. "I live at the end of the property. I'm not interested in having these negative issues." Sometimes people are afraid of the unknown and although majority of us voted this in, there are still going to be people that know nothing of such agriculture and therefore must be cautious. What we do know is that all business’s have a chance of crime. Coffee stands, convenient stores all have reputations for being robbed, yet not so much concerned about those being down the road from your house. Part of this concern seems to come from the type of people that these farm will be attracting, people think that, as my customer would say “a bunch of weirdo’s” will now be in their neighborhood. These farms didn’t get put up by being a slacker of any sort, these are hard working people that took a lot to get here. There is a stereo type here that I see. I didn’t grow up with any religion and know very little about it. I have heard stories my whole life in the news about higher people in churches and religious groups doing bad things and committing bad crimes. Should I protest a church being put up down the road from my house? I know I don’t judge every person that goes to church or who is a priest.

Many parents are concerned with having to drive by the farms everyday and explain to their children what the green stuff in the green houses are. The law states that there has to be an 8 foot fence and in some counties be a certain distance from sight which I totally agree with. Some will probably have higher fencing. When driving by its hard to tell the difference between these and a tomato farm. If you weren’t told my guess is you probably wouldn’t be able to tell and they wont be advertising marijuana plants out front of the farm. I have to assume that the people with these concerns do not smoke cigarettes or have a drink at a BBQ because how else would they not know how to explain to their children about marijuana. Would a winery be acceptable down the road? Or a tobacco farm? Cannabis is not something that should be treated any different.
These marijuana farms could actually help local neighborhoods. Its always good to have a booming business in your community and this business is definitely booming. Having a good economy starts in your own neighborhood. As it list on the website , the manufacturing can be quit the process from start to finish and it list 16 new jobs including government that will be provided by these pot farms like; deliverer, security, trimmer, ect. These could be local jobs created and money going back into local economy. Others can agree like mayor of Cleveland Ohio as you can read at article, Ohio could get 10 indoor pot farms if voters OK ballot issue, where it states “If this gets legalized, why would you not want the city to benefit economically?” Ritenauer said, adding that the farm could produce as much as $2 million annually for his cash-strapped city of 64,000 people.

There can be other huge benefits by having more legalized local farms as well. Watching the video from you’ll see the impact that illegal outdoor pot farms in the “emerald triangle” - the triad of Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity counties. It shows the pollution that these unregulated farms are leaving behind. a lot of camping supplies are left behind. They are creating their own irrigation by redirecting and damning streams. They also have been known to poison some of the animals to keep them away from the plants. This kind of irrigation is not suppose to be done in the middle of the forest there. As we all should know we could definitely go with out all the garbage left behind. I also believe we should be able to walk into are national forest that belongs to all the people and not have to worry about running into someone’s crop. Though I agree with some of the things in this video they may try to over due parts. They mention one of the guys they found had a gun on his hip but they don’t say it was hidden, he resisted, that he was violent, or that it was an illegal gun. After all he was hiking in the middle of the woods by himself, most men would carry a gun. I think its one of those things people want you to fear more of what you don’t understand. What might help prevent this continued abuse to the national forest and restore the ability to safely use all the land everyone of us own is by letting the people use their own private land to harvest their crops legally. A lot of the trash was from campers up there. Not only could this help by having local trash cans to dump garbage and prevent it from being in the woods, but there would be people to regulate what chemicals the farms will be using to element waste in the wrong places. There also wouldn’t be the same problem with animals so they wouldn’t have to use poison and risk damaging the ecosystem.

There is a reason why majority ruled and why so many people worked for so many years to get here. I feel for peoples concerns but I don’t think by having marijuana farms in our neighborhood will be a bad thing. Education can be beneficial to all. We still have a long road with initiative I-502 but I think it will be what we make of it.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

draft position paper

                                Should pot farms be near neighborhoods?



While working the other day I had a lady come in and began to complain. She had just found out that they are wanting to put a commercial marijuana farm next to her neighborhood. To say the least she was not very happy about it, I understand her concern but her being my costumer I didn’t want to tell her that sometimes it’s hard to wrap your mind around something you don’t entirely understand.

When talking to and reading most peoples statements they argument begins talking mostly with the crime that will begin to grow in their communities. They think people will try to be breaking in there all the time trying to steal marijuana but I wonder if anyone thought of this when they put a liquor store in their neighborhood, or a local brewery. These things have just as high of a demand for thieves as would a marijuana farm.

These places would have a lot higher security than just a regular business. This would detour most criminals away form even attempting to break into them. There are also lots of marijuana facility’s right down town that have yet to be a target for a crime spree. These already facilities (mostly medical) have a lot of finished product that you would want. The farms themselves might produce but most finish product would not be held there.

People also have an issue that they don’t want their kids to see pot farms as they are driving home but most will probably not be seen. I can agree that this would be unpleasant and as most will have high fencing, it should be required. Also as the times go on, it’s another concept like alcohol we might have to explain to our children what it is, its ganna be advertised everywhere anyways. They have  already seen it on the news for 2 years.

This is a something that will have to start being treated as an agricultural product. This way it can be controlled more by the way we grow it. How much chemical? Is it really organic?

This will also bring up a local economy. Local business owners that have spent money into this business is now being put on a standstill and everyday losing money that could start being used to put back into the economy.

"On buying local" by Katherine spriggs

* spriggs main point was that buying local is better for the national economy and environment.

*its pretty clear to me what her thesis is, it's stated several times at the beginning of her sentences and   Paragraphs. "Buying local helps" buying local benefits"

*reasons given are
        • the cost of transportation also creates more burning of fossil fuels
         •pesticides used
        •local farms are usually poly culture and sustainable.

* evidence for Those:
            •CNN article( u.s manufactures more than 1.5 billion pounds of chem. pesticides a yr)
            •"strawberry fruit facts page"
            •progressive policy institute " only 13 percent of Americans diet is imported"

* yes I believe the reasons are plausible she uses references

*she mentions a few counter arguments and does very well with them.

*she acknowledges Alex Avery that he has a good point but has a good rebuttal.

*i think she is very respectful of their arguments and does a good job of making sure we see the other side

*i feel sweeping generalization is what she is trying to Avoid. Unless some think "greener living" might be a new "fad"

*alex Avery she used as a counter argument,
    She talks about a farmer her family used to rent land to, and shared his point of veiw
    Uses a reference from "global warming statistics  to talk about global warming

*i think she does a great job of giving us references that are reliable. But some would have to be taken by her own experience and knowledge of local farmers which is never as creditable as facts and statistics

*not all are current, she uses an article from 2000 and tells a stories from when she was. Girl

*i think she might assume most that Are reading this is Americans but not knowledgable about local farms

*not as much we as there is they. Or I feel it's more "everyone" as she sates in her last sentence

*we can decently see eye to eye on buying local. And i know it might suck but that might include having strawberries only in summer!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

bob herbert

         I have to agree with what he is saying. I tell my boyfriends daughter all the time how important school is. It is something that I feel even just when I was a kid you could get away with not having an education and maybe just work hard, not now. I find it more and more people working full time jobs and still living with their parents because they cant afford to move out.
      I also believe that the teachers defiantly need to be evaluated. This would be a difficult process but I don't think it should be as hard to figure out as they would want u to believe, the crazy systems and procedures we put together for some corporations to follow, Im sure we can figure one out for the people spending 8 or more hours a day educating our children and our future.


“Our schools must do better” is a good way to sum this up! Back in the day when things weren’t ran on so much technology it was a lot easier to be a laborer. Now not only is it going to be nearly mandatory to have an education in order to survive but our schools are not catching up to the demand that this is requiring.

School districts and states have focused mostly on credentials and not the actually effectiveness of the teacher. Although creating a system would be difficult it is doable.

Alternative schools are also one to observe. They are sometimes known to excellent results from low income students, but are these effects real? What accounts for them? If all kids want a fair chance in this world we need school systems to give them that chance.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pg 70. Thinking about my writing

I recently sent this email...
  My name is rachelle I was wondering about the house you had on craigslist! Are you asking a deposit? I'm a collage student paying my own tuition and could use my own space to study! Thank you for your time!
     Rachelle gainer 

There is a lot I should change here, My position should be that I am a suitable rennet for This house, I don't think stating what bills I have is a good idea I might Change it to something like:

          My name is Rachelle. I was inquiring about the house you had on Craigslist, I have a steady income and good references. Please feel free to contact me with any further information. 
360 *** ****
                     Rachelle Gainer

Friday, January 30, 2015

response to "yes we can" video

   When I think about the speech Obama is giving with all the music and singers it is still vey inspirational. I will admit though that having music with it made it a little more emotional, maybe not for everyone but for me at least. Lately I have actually said that I don't have very much hope in the world any more. when I got done watching the video I kept thinking "this makes me have hope in the world again." I than read the exercise in the book again and it said "written words (like "hope" and "yes, we can"). I didn't realize at first how many times they did write it in there and that's what stuck with me. I think the amount of singers that are in the video back him up by showing that there are people, (that maybe many other people also look up to) are backing him up and believe in him.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

collabrative exercise pg 66

    Today we chose to analyze the “keep calm and carry on” posters, they originally were produced as
motivational posters to help British citizens prepare for the coming Second World War however the
saying today is vastly overused and largely irrelevant to the posters actual content. The original
statement was appealing to me because it represented a beacon of calming in a world that was about
to erupt in pandemonium. It fails to appeal to me because the format of the poster has been taken and
used to depict subjects that are completely irrelevant and unassociated with the thought. It uses a
large slew of subject matters that are largely irrelevant to the original design and intent of the poster
and this in of itself is specifically what is aggravating about them along with the fact that it delivers a
message that it not necessarily as positive in its new sayings and it also shows a surprising inability
for new creative thought in relation to motivational posters. If I were to create this poster on a
different medium I would definitely seek to do so in a quote format. This would keep it in its original
form and keep others from using the medium in improper and irrelevant ways 

excercises page 62 and 66

I take positions a lot, especially when it comes to my boyfriend. Whether its taking the trash out or disciplining his daughter they are positions I choose not to stand away from. Another place is at work. there are lot of times when people or management are going to try and take advantage of you. but its ok to step up and say I'm not doing that its been the only way to get the shifts I want and not end up being the only one that does all the work.
      People are constantly taking positions, when you wake up and watch the news, where to go out to eat, general conversations at work, how to build something or make a garden. Its everyday things we can take positions on, like those books where you can decide your fate and the story will end different, our lives are a lot like that, every position we take can make a difference weather small of big.

       Some positions people take are not always very appealing to me. Take an article I found through face book. It was an article that sated "things girls need to stop posting on Facebook." As I opened it up I thought I was going to read something humorous but as I read on I got more annoyed. The person who wrote this was listing off almost everything the average girl Facebook's;  pics of food, selfies, pics of your kids, things I and my friends post everyday. I can admit I don't always stop to gander at my friends pictures of their children but they are my friends and it doesn't bother me one bit. As I read on I realized that the person writing the article really hated everything and everyone and was just trying to convince the world that that was ok. Because the truth is if your truly friends with someone nothing they post will bother you, and if it does your probably not really their friend and should just delete them. If I had to change it I would probably just change the title to "if these things bother you, your not a real friend.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Litteracy narritive rough draft

       Growing up I lived much farther from school then most , at least everyone else that lived farther from school had other kids that only lived a short distance that their parents were willing to give them a ride. I felt like no one ever wanted to come over cause it was just to far. I know that in a child’s point of view this can be very disappointing , but I guess as time has gone on I have learned to come to terms that in the long run this effected me for the better.

     Although I lived farther away my property that I lived on was beautiful. It was also very large which was nice because I had a huge imagination. We always had lots of animals, I can remember at one point in time having hundreds of rabbits that roamed all the way to near by houses. My dad always kept the lawn nice, perfectly mowed, I can remember lily’s lining the bottom of one side of the lawn, right before it went over the gully. Lots of roses at different ends of everywhere. When my parents moved there a yard was non excitant, nothing but a sticker bush farm. My dad spent months clearing them out and planting grass to make sure we would have a lawn to play in.

     My parents were very hard working. My mom wasn’t the girly type by any means. I have a very faint memory of playing with lipstick in the bathroom when I was younger and that’s the last time I remember my mom owning makeup until we started to buy it for her two years ago. She has natural beauty. She’s always been a very kind person to everyone around.

     My mom married my dad when she was seventeen, after being together for four years. My dad was a man that most people didn’t mess with. He was also a man that growing up with, could have a huge temper, now I see that temper in myself. He worked for a tree service for many years and has definitely put some wear and tear on his body. When I think of my dad I can hear is laugh. Over all though my dad is a really good guy with a great sense of humor.

      My grandparents live next door to us on a piece of their own property. My grandma is the sweetest lady ever, and a great baker. My grandpa was a marine, and also a very funny. I think these two combined resulted in me not really understanding his sense of humor till I was older. I remember just after learning how to ride a bike. We had a circle driveway that linked down, what seemed at the time, a steep long driveway. I had a little pink hand me down with yellow strips. My grandpa took and started to ride, “I‘m going to Alaska“ he said. Convinced he was leaving with my bike forever I ran after him. At the end of the long driveway he set the bike on the ground and said “just kidding” and had me push my bike all the way up the hill by myself. Over all I remember my grandpa being a really funny nice guy, (he apparently had calmed down after us girls were born.)

      Our house sat in the middle of our property. A small single wide trailer with a small edition built on to it. I never really cared to much about living in a small house,( I admit sometimes as a kid I would picture myself as a millionaire). My house was full of so much love and always felt like a home, not just to me but to any one who walked into it.

       My dad spent lots of time talking about his days as a kid. Whenever thinking about his stories I can almost always hear him talking about his grandma. She was his “nanny” and old English teacher. My dad had four other brother that, as stories are told, were a tough crowd to try and handle even as kids. My dad really loved his grandmother. Anything that reminds him of her he will being up, “my grandma had a thing just like this she would put her dressings in.” He ended up with a few of neat little things, tea pots, her cinnamon sugar jar, a two hundred year old rocking chair and even a nursery rhyme book that I became very fond of.

        I’ll be the first to say that I have never been a big fan of reading. . Even in school it was always really hard for me to read books that I was assigned to read. As I get older I find it easier to self discipline myself enough to make myself get past what I have to. If I find an article that interest me than I will probably read it unless I realize its longer than my attention span. I feel like this is a bad thing as a writer, not only because you want people to read what your writing no matter what length it is, but also because it’s a good way to give feedback to yourself.

           Although my passion for reading wasn’t great, my love for writing has always been there as far back as I can think. I remember as five years old I insisted on writing my uncle a letter to Alaska even though I could barley write. I realized that I liked to write more than the average kid in the third grade when my teacher assigned us to write short stories about anything throughout the school year, at the end of there year I had about thirty or more stories compared to the next kids ten. I also started to write poems at the same time. I thought it was more normal but if I was to see a kid write as much as I did when I was younger I think I would be impressed. When I think about where this comes from I go back to the same memory of reading my great grandmas book of nursery rhymes and short stories.

        Everything about the book intrigued me, the way the book looked old, the illustrations. The part ill never forget is the beginning of the book, it was the part that had all the nursery rhymes. My dad always told me how his grandma had all of them memorized by heart. One of the best memories I have is sitting in front of the big bay window that was in our addition of our house. It was a beautiful late spring day, my dad just got done mowing the lawn and the smell of fresh cut grass was in the air. It was mixed with the sweet smell of cherry blossoms from the giant ornamental plum I could see my parents relaxing under. I sat and studied the hardest tongue twister that I could find “Betty Botter Bought A Bit Of Bitter Butter.” When I finally had memorized I ran out to recite to my parents. My parents were always happy to see me involved with reading or writing.

          Even the short stories were inspiring to me like; Goodnight Moon, The Little Engine That Could, Where The Wild Things Are. When I read through these I picture my great grandmother reading them to my dad and my uncle’s all the time when they were kids. My

            I believe that being given this book is what has inspired me to write so many poems growing up. Although then they meant nothing to me then so unfortunately I didn’t keep any, but I have probably written at least two hundred poems overall. This was a big part of my life growing up which I believe that even though I have never meet my great grandma she is still a big part of who I am today.

               Not only did she live through me by the great book of nursery rhymes but her constant correction of my fathers grammar and English as a kid was something he preceded to do to me. It helped sometimes in school. It just goes to show that even though you may not be around, whatever you are passionate about can be passed through for generations.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 characteristics for litteracy novel

1)Getting my great grandmas book of nursery rhymes
   *my great grandma/ grandparents/ parents
   *At my house when I was a kid
   *The places your mind would go when reading the stories and poems
   *I'm telling the story
   *Because I started writing poems at a young age.

2) Writing books in my 3rd grade class.
    * my teacher and I
    *the 3rd grade Chimacum elementary
    * The love for writing I developed
    *I'm telling the story about myself
    *I realized I was better at writing stories than the average kid.


I love collaborating my ideas with other people. I always believe the more the better!  I know that sometimes my mind works differently than other peoples, for example, I can read a poem and 5 other people can read it, and I’m usually the only one who thinks it’s about dyeing while everyone else thinks it’s about butterflies, not that I’m always wrong but when hearing someone else’s view makes me realize what a different stand point I was at than them. 

    I realized during this discussion in my class how much people or prone to voice their opinion over the internet more than in person (not because this particular assignment) but just from the discussion. It makes me realize how much of a difference the internet can make in our writing if we make ourselves vulnerable enough to criticism. For example from the book Everyone’s An Author the first page of chapter 4, the romance writer Eloisa James maintains a website that invites readers to ask questions about characters, request rewrites of chapters, and even suggest alternative chapters.  I think that by her doing this is a big thing especially because it’s hard for some writers to be open to changing their writing, just like an artist with a painting. But once your mind has opened up to it you will realize how much your writing will improve and even be more influencing.